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Temmen li l-One ilhom 10 snin ma jippublikaw l-accounts? U n-Net 17-il sena! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Hey guys, I’ve been thinking about this party stations debate. What do you think?

Get this. Those who are saying Lovin Malta is trying to shut down Net and One are basically lying. All they’re asking for is the stations to follow the law and remove political ownership.

Ma, Pa, don’t you think PN and PL would be better off if they sold their bankrupt stations?

I can’t believe we’re giving Net and One €90,000 each per month from our taxes. I’m donating to Kaxxaturi.

Taf xiex? Lovin Malta mhux veru jridu jgħalqu l-istazzjonijiet. Just iriduhom jimxu mal-liġi. Issa jekk ma jafux kif 🤷‍♂️